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60-105 Poznań 

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Marine solutions

Marine solutions

Marine solutions ikonka marine mikro

Thanks to the properties of GRG composite and the patented technology, which offers unlimited design possibilities, we would like to offer you modern design solutions for the design of luxury yachts, catamarans, cruise ships, houseboats and objects that require the application of regulations, standards, certificates, so-called “maritime” directives.

The GRG composite products offered by G|IPSELL|O comply with the relevant Community harmonisation legislation:

  • Marine Equipment Directive 2014/90/EU (MED)
  • Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2023/1667

The GRG composite offered by G|IPSELL|O complies with the requirements of the harmonised standards or references to specifications for which compliance is declared:

  • SOLAS 74 Reg. II 2/3, II-2/5, II-2/9, X/3
  • IMO Res.MSC.36(63)-(1994 HSC Code) 7
  • IMO Res.MSC.97(73)-(2000 HSC Code) 7
  • IMO Res. MSC.307(88)-(2010 FTP Code) as amended

Where appropriate, a certified testing body has carried out tests and issued MED (IMO) certificates:

  • Module B
  • Module D

IMO - the International Maritime Organisation - is a specialised agency of the United Nations, dealing exclusively with maritime affairs, in particular with maritime safety, the protection of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships, pursuing its objectives by drawing up and adopting international agreements (conventions) and resolutions and circulars containing recommendations and instructions and interpretations for the 175 member governments, as well as amendments to previously adopted conventions and documents.

ISO - the International Organisation for Standardisation, which sets and describes norms and standards for services, management systems and products. Standardisation is intended to facilitate global trade so that the certified manufacturer/service provider complies with the same standards in terms of improving production methods; standardising processes and manufactured products; environmental, safety, health regulations, etc.

IMO and ISO standards

The two organisations work together to develop and describe documentation and standards that are tailored to specific needs in the maritime sector by the IMO and in other economic sectors by the ISO (ISO - IMO - International Maritime Organisation).

In Poland, the organisation responsible for IMO standardisation activities is the National Centre for IMO Cooperation at the Polish Register of Shipping. (IMO Centre ( and, for ISO, the Polish Committee for Standardisation (Homepage | Polski Komitet Normalizacyjny (
